Cohabitation Agreement Bc Form

Cohabitation Agreement BC Form: What You Need to Know

Living together with a significant other can be a wonderful experience. However, just like traditional marriages, cohabitating couples can also experience disagreements and conflicts that can lead to legal battles. In British Columbia, a cohabitation agreement can help prevent such conflicts, but what exactly is it, and how can you obtain one?

What is a Cohabitation Agreement?

A cohabitation agreement, also known as a common-law agreement, is a legal contract between two people who are living together but are not married. The agreement outlines the responsibilities and expectations of each partner, including financial matters, property ownership, and child custody.

Having a cohabitation agreement in BC can provide legal protection for both partners in the event of a marriage breakdown, especially when there are no formal marriage laws that apply to them. With this agreement, both parties can avoid the lengthy and costly process of going to court to resolve disputes.

What Should be Included in the Agreement?

A cohabitation agreement can be customized to fit the specific needs of each couple. However, there are some essential items that should be included in the agreement, such as:

1. Property Division: This section should outline how property will be divided in the event of a separation. It should include specific details on how each property was acquired and how it will be distributed.

2. Responsibilities and Obligations: Each party’s financial obligations and any other responsibilities that come with the relationship should be clearly outlined.

3. Child Custody and Support: If the couple has children, the agreement should outline how custody will be shared and how child support will be calculated.

4. Termination Clause: It’s essential to include a termination clause that outlines how the agreement can be terminated if needed.

How to Obtain a Cohabitation Agreement in BC

The process of obtaining a cohabitation agreement in BC can be straightforward. The agreement can be created by both parties, or they can hire a lawyer to help draft the agreement. It’s crucial to ensure that each party has independent legal advice before signing the document to avoid any potential legal issues.

The cohabitation agreement must be signed by both parties, witnessed by a third party, and notarized before it becomes legally binding. After this process, it’s essential to keep a copy of the agreement in a safe and secure location.


In conclusion, a cohabitation agreement can be a valuable tool for couples who have chosen to live together but aren’t married. In BC, obtaining a cohabitation agreement can be simple and stress-free, as long as both parties seek independent legal advice before signing the document. With a cohabitation agreement, both parties can enjoy the benefits of living together while securing their legal rights and responsibilities.

Christopher Bryan